A recent survey found that 75% of high school graduates are not ready to make college and career decisions.

Teens are arriving at the threshold of adulthood unprepared and unsure of the essence of who they are or their place in the world.
Teens need a learning that helps create their futures, discovering careers that ignite their passions, and building skills that secure their place in the world.
The Life Builder Lab™️
A transformative curriculum with everything teens need to discover, explore, build skills, and curate their professional story — all in one place. For schools, teachers, and teens.
Career Exploration
Identity-Building + Personal Growth
Story-Based Career Learning
It all starts with self-exploration. Teens engage in activities designed to reveal their interests, values, beliefs, priorities, passions, and skills. Through the development of a robust foundation of self-awareness, they can then apply this knowledge to their journey of career exploration.
Students embark on a profoundly immersive career exploration journey, transcending mere career facts and statistics. Our catalog of life pursuits features real stories from diverse professionals sharing their journeys, experiences, and wisdom, so that teens can see authentic, impactful examples of possibility.
Next Gen Skills
The Portfolio
Science-Backed Skills Building
A Workspace + Showcase for Life
The powerful lessons in our career stories become transformative and interactive learning activities and revealing self-assessments, tied together by The MUG Method for Next Gen Skills.
The MUG Portfolio is the central space for teens to make sense of themselves and their passions, all while curating their story and crafting their professional journey. Part workspace, part showcase, the portfolio is a teen’s digital canvas for personal and professional growth.

This year, over 30 state governors focused on career and technical education (CTE) and workforce development to help expand opportunities for high school students through career-connected learning programs and school program funding.
The federal government has issued CTE directives to states, along with the necessary funding. Schools and teens require a comprehensive solution for career-connected learning — with the right learning resources and cutting-edge tools to facilitate career and pathway exploration, as well as to provide professional experiences for students. Changing workforce needs necessitate a more future-ready next generation.

“An education system reimagined for the 21st century engages youth of all ages in the power of career-connected learning and provides every student with the opportunity to gain real-life work experience, earn college credits, and make progress towards an industry credential before they graduate high school.”
—U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona
of high school guidance counselors said their students were overwhelmed by decisions about college and career.
of U.S. employers report difficultly in filling roles due to talent shortages in the workforce.
ONLY 46%
of high school students feel what they are learning in class will actually help them in the outside world.


“If one of my high school teachers had sent me to The Life Builder Lab™️ my junior year, I would have been so grateful. It’s helping me now. It’s a fantastic resource for building your life.”

Rainer Pasca, 18,
College Freshman, Boston, MA

“Packed with insight and guidance on how to unlock your true potential, your unique gifts and skills to take out into the workforce. The Life Builder Lab™️ is the resource all teens need!”
Christine Crosby Taylor
Therapist and Parent, Denver, CO

"My Unique Genius is focused on equipping teens with next gen tools, so that they better understand themselves and have the confidence to shape their place in this dynamic, chaotic world. Their mission meshes with our aspiration for tomorrow. The Life Builder Lab™️ is what we all needed when we were young.”
Daniella De Grande, VP of Technology Services + Digital Enablement at Thomson Reuters

Dr. Jessica Falcon, Associate Manager in Research Program Management at Regeneron
"The Life Builder Lab™️ helps teens understand themselves in a way that will build confidence and trust in their inner selves.
This confidence and trust will help them navigate life, both professionally and personally. The LBL™️ is a tool unlike any other!”
“All of us are destined to wander many paths in life. Only some of us are fortunate to have a road map that helps point us in the direction of the important paths that enrich our learning and build our life skills. The Life Builder Lab is that road map.”
Feel free to call, email or touch base on social media.
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MUG™️ - My Unique Genius™️